Study shows that strong team can lead to major gains for every small or large businesses. These include the ability to maximize profitability by allowing individuals to better combine their skills to achieve more, meeting cross functional challenges and being able to respond quicker to rapid change. Retaining the best people by giving everyone a greater sense of involvement and belonging and empowering teams to become more mission focused and to achieve more with less direction saving time and money. That is why Batangas beaches company outing venues is in the headlines nowadays. Team building has been a need to every corporate to boost their peoples capabilities during work and of course to built stronger bonds among them.
We all know that Citco Philippines has been Eagle Point Beach and Dive Resort’s guest last April 2017 but then just a few month later, we had Citco Philippines again. The arrived last June 16, 2017, around 12 in the afternoon. Since its a bit late, they put down they bags on their designated luggage room and headed straight to Sepoc Beach Center.
Before we proceed to EPR Team Building activities they had their lunch first since some of them did not took their early meals.
The Blue Team
By 01:30 PM we started the activity with some powerful team cheers. The purpose of the cheer is not to compete with the other teams but to tighten the bond between the members of Citco Alabang and Citco Makati, where they can build a camaraderie and smooth work relationship for more harmonious work environment.
The Green Team
The Yellow Team
The Red Team
First game: Obstacle Relay
I just ask them to choose their 10 best player since it is past 1 PM. On the first match the Blue team won the game since they are the fastest among the rest.
Second Game: Fill in the drums
Then we followed the Fill in the Drum game, on this game the Yellow team won it and take over the spotlight from the Blue team.
Last Game: Flag Hunt
Last game was Flag Hunting, this time the Green team snatch the crown with lot of points among the rest of the groups.
But by unanimous decision the winner was the Yellow team based on our scoring system.
Team building events create the time to focus on the importance of team work and what is needed to make you a better team. Learning how to work together effectively will create efficiency and knowledge on how to manager each other’s strengths and weaknesses.
Thank you for reading!
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