Team building and company outing activities create the time to focus on the importance of team work and what is needed to make you a better team. Learning how to work together effectively will create efficiency and knowledge on how to manage each other’s strengths and weaknesses.
Batangas resort is a best place to play with, with plenty of destinations that you can choose for your team building and company outing activities, seminars and conferences. And one of them is Eagle Point Resort, do you know that Eagle Point Resort in Batangas handled hundreds of team building activities, seminars and conference every year. Well yes, we handle your corporate needs from room accommodations, foods, function rooms and team building packages.
Once again Eagle Point Resort hosted one of the BPO’s finest, the Accenture Inc. The group arrived in the resort at around 9 AM, some of them arrived, an hour ahead of their schedule, while waiting they took some photos of resorts facilities. The entire gang was completed by around 11 am, first they took their lunch, then a little rest and by 1:30 PM sharp we will begin our activities.
The Red Team
The Yellow Team
The Green Team
The Green Team
Accenture Inc had their team building at the main resort since the weather did not permit us to go to Sepoc Beach Center were we usually held team building activities. Nonetheless we guarantee to its participants that they will still had the same amount fun and enjoyment .
First Game: The Marble Relay
Each team will require ten representatives each, they will be the one to hold the cut plastic bottles were the marble will roll over to get to the finish line. Using one hand only each member has to be alert and connect to each plastics to reach the final destination, the small cup.
They had to bring five marbles, once it gets on the ground they had to start over again. Yes this one looks easy but if one member messed up they will not be able to finish this in no time!
This is the marbles final destination!
Red Team wins!
Second Game: Shoot that Ball Baby!!
This game requires team work and focus.
Slowly but surely they say.
They had to shoot one ball only without falling on the ground, once it fell they had to start again.
Once again Red Team got this first.
Last Game: String Cup Stacking
Materials needed: Styro cups, string and rubber.
From one point to another they had to bring the cup with half-filled water using only the rubber and string without touching it.
They had to form a pyramid using the cups.
Yellow Team wins!
The advantages of team building and company outing events are so many that almost all corporations have incorporated team building strategies and schedules to their standard training curriculum. So what are you waiting for, grab this chance and be our next guest to pamper this month!
Thank you for reading!
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